In my last writing, I discussed the topic of Loyalty Of Friendship but furthermore I want to elaborate it with the topic of special friends, but the question is why are some friends so special???, because of there could be reason why people like to talk to you…!!! I’m talking about some special friends which exist in our lives, they have a special place in our hearts. We feel special when someone remembers us, we feel happy when someone gives us attention and we feel hopeful when someone always ready for helping us in every stage of life. Yes, this one is called a special friend.
With your friends, you are your real self. They always ready to face your adversity and available to you always with lovingly.
Aristotle once described a true friend as a “ single soul dwelling in two bodies”
Henry Adam’s sagacious view is:” one friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible”
Benjamin Franklin is of the view:” Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing”
It is more said:__
A_Who finds a faithful friend finds a treasure.
B_ Only one friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
C_Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.
However, it is very far to describe this world true relation (FRIENDSHIP) in one article, but I wrote a few points about this in the below lines..
1_They inspires us to be more accepting of ourselves:_
One of our greatest faults, true friends lifts us up when we’ve down. We feel better about ourselves when we have close, encouraging, motivating, inspiring and loving people in our lives. Real friends naturally boost our self_esteem and inspire us to be good people…!! They are the elixir of life and panacea for all ills.
It is often said: A friend in need is s friend indeed…!!!
2_They are always available to us:_
It is the very greatest blessing or gift to having a friend who gives us their attention and awareness and stays present in the moment by his/her first priority. They are always available paying availability to know your problems and needs. They actually want to provide a path in your difficulties. When you want to start a conversation with them to at 2:00 pm they provide their company.
3_ They are humble to us:_
We all make judgment errors from time to time when it comes to our relationships. It’s said that:_” when conflicts come up, real friends have the courage to reach out directly rather than gossiping and lifting irritations grow.” Real friends understand and because they understand they are capable of forgiving and stays humble with us. They still love us.
In last, I will share my personal experience of my misunderstanding with my friend. I judged him wrongly and block his number but after a few times, I realized he was right…!! Because of his forgiveness, humble and kind-hearted nature, we are again friendly..!!
Have you any kind of this friendship???
So, did you ever done this??? If yes, share your personal experiences…!!!