Law News | Law vs Prejudiced lawyers — Who is responsible??

Law vs Prejudiced lawyers
Law vs Prejudiced lawyers

Lawyer’s protest turns violet _____ either they would do or not??

Law vs Prejudiced lawyers

Clod in a black suit, white shirt and black ties hundred of the lawyer of the eastern city of Lahore, forced their way into the Lahore cardiology hospital. Burned violent, smashing windows, damaging equipment, doctors harassment even that remove the oxygen mask of the patient.

The protest was called off but the video of one young doctor making fun at lawyers went viral and the couldn’t be resolved!! The lawmaker who can unmercifully hit/attack the hospital especially cardiac institute where there is the patient who requires acute care. No one can imagine that such a day would come to Pakistan. when the ent had to be provided security from the lawyers. The brutal act of lawyers can never be forgotten.

Prime Minister Imran Khan and Punjab Chief Minister Usman Bazdar on Wednesday (11- December )  took notice of a violet protest by lawyers at Lahore’s Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) during which three patient lost their lives. However, Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid at a press conference later on 11 December 2019, Confirmed the death of three people. Asim Cheema, the president of the rebar association appreciated the gestures and said that lawyers will definitely respond to it. Non-League also criticizes the government system of PTI.

Who is dominate? Doctor or Lawyer? Noone dominates among them because of only LAW

According to hospital administration, more than 300 lawyers welding sticks stormed Lahore’s Punjab Institute of Cardiology on Wednesday 11 December 2019. Hospital offices said the lawyers forced their way post-security. They were split into groups. attaching various departments and words, beating up staff, stormed the nurses, breaking furniture, and also damaged several cars parked outside the hospital and set at least one police van on the fire. some of the lawyers fired gunshots in the air when carouse police interfered.

Law vs Prejudiced lawyers

There has been stew anger among young lawyers since 20 November when half a dozen of them go with a colleague to the hospital for the treatment of his sick mother, says the Pakistan media reporter. There they got into a disagreement with hospital staff and a doctor on duty leading to a ferocious first fight.

Law vs Prejudiced lawyers

Both sides reported police complaints against each other but no arrests were made. But at that moment, the video of the young doctor poking fun at lawyers went viral on social media., Footage ( 11 December 2019 ) on social media shows lawyers walking ahead of his following colleagues and addressing the doctor in the very first video, inviting him to see of lawyers.

Law vs Prejudiced lawyers

Lawyers violent behave _____ What has the response been in Pakistan?

Afrasiab Khattak, a former chairman of the Independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan ( HRCP ), tweeted that Pakistan was “Caught in a vicious cycle of anarchy and militaristic regimentation” In furthermore, He added: “Trampling of the constitution, rise of militarisation and lack of tolerance create anarchy, and a typical state response is the deployment of rangers”.

Police officers said later they had arrested more than 20 lawyers and filed complaints against about 250 on charges of lawyers ransack, violence and assault.

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